Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Personal and Brand Consulting by Tatjana Luethi

Tatjana Luethi offers educational coaching services to conscious women, entrepreneurs, businesses, corporations and schools in a user-experience driven, collaborative, and fun framework to help them create clarity around their vision and achieve their goals.

1. Breaking Through Your Limiting Beliefs
It's imperative to dismantle the ingrained inner limiting beliefs before we act or attempt to create new structures. Change and new results can not occur if we continuously try to recreate ourselves from within the same old identity, perpetuating the loop of disempowering experiences. In this step-by-step process we will establish guidelines and tools that enable you to practice and nurture a new relationship with your self. 
  1. Defining your intention
  2. Dismantling your old story
  3. Uncovering your truth and power
  4. Establishing a direction: Exploring your authentic expressions
  5. Crafting your compass

2. Merging Your Passion with Your Profession
Here you will define your personal & unique, authentic qualities, attributes, values, philosophies, vision, aspirations and motivation your stand for in life for yourself and others. Through a fun and engaging step-by-step process you will generate insight and clarity about areas of interest you feel strong and passionate about. You will get clarity around your passion, your natural skills and talents, and identify the sector you see yourself contributing to:
  1. Deepening your authentic, passionate self
  2. Exploring Your Natural Leadership
  3. Defining your environment and contribution 
  4. Identifying partners in your sector

3. Brand Strategies
Whether you are exploring an idea, project, product, service, or want to launch a business or even a movement, the process is the same. An authentic and relevant brand strategy is key in today's economy. Aside from a practical and functional product, and an aesthetically compelling design, today consumers and clients want to be part of a movement. They want to experience, engage and participate with you. They are looking to align with brands whom they resonate with. A brand is a scaled personification, that allows the consumer to develop an emotional connection, to build trust, resonance and alignment. 

It's imperative to be able to articulate a clear and authentic value proposition, and to understand and relate to the stories, goals and real needs of your community so as to design authentic, relevant and effective solutions to your community.
  1. Defining Your brand
  2. Defining your community
  3. Aligning Your Goals: Defining, prioritizing and planning your roadmap
  4. How to get started 


“This is a great workshop for anyone who wants to remove any of their limiting beliefs. For me, the extra benefit was meeting professional women who have now become clients and collaborators on projects. If you are reading this and feel any curiosity at all about it, I encourage you to attend. You might meet the perfect person or get the insight you've been needing to move you forward on your next steps”.
- Gabrielle Raumberger, Creative Director  

"The conference is inspiring, emotionally provocative, and extremely well put together. I love the feeling of being on Oprah or if you are old enough to remember Donohue. It truly felt like a dialogue with successful women in LA that shared from a vulnerable, raw place the truth about their journey to success." 
- Erika Schmidt, Hollywood Hot Hair / Hair Stylist

“Thank you Tatjana & Jose for The Skool and the MERGE! conference for offering the encouragement and tools to take a leap forward in pursuing my passions.  Since MERGE, I've been able to reconnect with doing what I love, to focus on what to do next, and to go for the big goals that have a great sense of purpose for me.  I truly appreciate the guidance and can't say thank you enough”!

- Heather Muñoz, Web Consultant

"Attending Tatjana's workshop had a big impact in me overcoming my limiting beliefs and let go of what no longer serves me. It was an incredible experience to be part of a group of women who were transforming before my eyes into the strong and confident women they sensed themselves capable of! I'm amazed how quickly I was able to apply the tools I learned and help others in their process. I wish more women can experience these transformational life changing breakthroughs."
- Cynthia Santacruz, Financial Advisor

For questions or to inquire about consulting and package offers email to:
tatjana at otny dot net


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Check out the: 
Skool MeetUp For Evolutionary Women: Creating a new culture amongst women
Move! Conference June 1st & 2nd

Pictures and Video from the MERGE! Conference, March 2nd & 3rd, 2013


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