Wednesday, May 8, 2013

America's Future and The Role of Women

Warren Buffet published an essay the other day about America's Future and Women. He said he is bullish on women. He emphasized that he believes women are key to America's prosperity. Sounds familiar? Well, it's nice to see that more men are sharing a similar outlook. The Dalai Lama made a similar statement in 2009: "The world will be saved by the Western Woman". Look at all the progress we've made politically and economically since 1776, Buffet says, look at all the human potential that got unleashed! In his essay he recognizes that we did so by utilizing only half of our country's talent. So imagine what we would be capable of if we were to tap into the other half of our country's talents. He is hinting at the underutilized abilities, potential and capacities of women.

Gender-related self-doubt
In the essay, Buffet references his sisters, women whom he greatly admires, smart and intelligent just like him. However, at that time women were "relegated to the sidelines". Society had it that a woman's best accomplishment was "to marry well". He acknowledges that during his lifetime women did certainly not get the equal rights and opportunities as experienced by their male counterparts. Fear of competition and resistance to change by those in power was expressed as "no qualified candidates" within the female workforce.

Well, luckily things changed a bit. However, we women are still left with remnants of that legacy. Many of us continuously suffer from these inner limiting beliefs about our capacities, skills and talents, a "gender-related self-doubt", Buffet says. It's the residue of Century long conditioning, an illusion-of-the-truth effect. Even though many women have stepped up to the plate, there still are feelings of inadequacy, fear, and inferiority when facing our male counterparts especially as it relates to business. Some women did step up, but that too may have come with a price tag. I'm not sure if adapting to masculine traits and behavior was a healthier choice?

Facilitating women's leadership training
Women have to realize that there is a true loss to the world if we continue to not express our underutilized authentic talents, wisdom, experience, capacities and potential. It's time for women to come out of the shell! Our skills, capacities, talents and leadership matter. It is crucial in the implementation of creating healthy new structures,  one that allows for co-creation between men and women. I recall Marianne Williamson's powerful words at Sister Giant "if you are not sitting at the table, you are listed on the menu"

For those of you who have been following me are aware that I'm creating a movement in Los Angeles in partnership with @Jose Caballer, Chief Education Officer at The SkoolNo, it's not one of rebellion, but rather one of education, coaching, mentoring and establishing the conditions to collaborate, execute and thrive in the 21st Century. Even though The Skool does not discriminate one gender over the other, Jose is supporting me in my vision to educate and facilitate women's leadership training. We are in the midsts of launching our second conference MOVE! which is the 2nd of a series of 3 conferences that cater specifically to educating and facilitating women's leadership.

To get a 20% discount use promo code: tatjana
Purchase ticket here

Click here to view: Move! Promo Video

Let the collaboration begin!



For questions or to inquire about consulting email to:
tatjana at otny dot net


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Check out the: 
Skool MeetUp For Evolutionary Women: Creating a new culture amongst women
Move! Conference June 1st & 2nd

Pictures and Video from the MERGE! Conference, March 2nd & 3rd, 2013

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